Yield Guild Games Surpasses 20K Axie Infinity Scholarships

Yield Guild Games Surpasses 20K Axie Infinity Scholarships

Yield Guild Games (YGG), a popular gaming guild network, has accomplished a major milestone in terms of new scholars for the Axie Infinity platform and numerous other play-to-earn (P2E) games. In total, there are over 27,000 scholars across all subDAOs.

In February, the gaming guild network reported 20,700 unique scholars. This number is an 8,500% increase from February 2021, when there were only 241 scholars YGG’s regional subDAOS, including YGG Southeast Asia, YGG India, and YGG Latin America, have also grown their scholarship base throughout different games. In an announcement, the team at YGG said that this milestone marks a “new record in the P2E space.”

With this play-to-earn scholarship, players can borrow a team of Axie non-fungible tokens (NFTs) from the GuildGuild. Then, the in-game earnings are split between the player, the community manager, and the YGG decentralized autonomous organization (DAO).

YGG reported that scholars farmed over 26.4 million Smooth Love Potions (SLP), a native token for Axie Infinity, in February. This is a 57% increase from January 2022. Of this amount, over 18.4 million SLP was received by scholars, given the structure of YGG’s scholarship model where 70% of SLP shared goes to scholars, 20% to the Scholarship Manager, and 10% to the GuildGuild.

SOURCE: Yield Guild Games