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Tanah for sale in Matrix World

The voucher of a 2x2 Land of Matrix World located at (22, 73)

  • Tipe Tanah Parcel
  • Blockchain Ethereum
  • Standar Token ERC-721
  • Alamat Kontrak 0x05b5...49a2
  • ID Token 1515
  • Pemilik 0x97ec...4ca3


Matrix World is an open world that enables users to build 3D immersive applications on top of several blockchains. In Matrix World, users can take advantage of traditional 3D open-world features such as building 3D architectures, hosting virtual meetings, exhibiting NFTs, and more advanced functionality such as creating their own 3D decentralized applications (DApps) using Matrix's built-in computational resources.
Matrix Land is the smallest territorial unit in Matrix World with finite computation and storage resources. A Land is also represented on several blockchains as a tradable NFT token. For instance, it will be an ERC-721 token on Ethereum, whereas on Flow will be an on-chain Flow resource.

  • Nama Dunia VirtualMatrix World
  • Blockchain Ethereum
  • Diluncurkan pada Oct 2021
  • Total Parcel 5,000

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