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Tanah for sale in Etherland

The Serapeion of Alexandria was a large and impressive temple dedicated to the Graeco-Egyptian god Serapis. It was located in Alexandria in ancient Egypt and was said to be one of the most magnificent temples in the country. The temple was built in the 3rd century BC. It consisted of a large courtyard, the main temple building, and several smaller shrines. The walls were decorated with marble panels and carved stonework; large columns adorned with gold and gilded bronze supported the roofs. The temple was used as a place of worship for Alexandria’s people and served as a sanctuary, library, and museum. Serapis combined aspects of the Greek Gods Hades, Demeter, and Dionysus with the Egyptian Gods Osiris, Asclepius, and the sacred Apis bull. Serapis was worshiped in Egypt until the 4th century AD when Emperor Constantine I ordered the closure of all pagan temples.

  • Tipe Tanah Parcel
  • Blockchain Ethereum
  • Standar Token ERC-721
  • Alamat Kontrak 0x6601...28da
  • ID Token 314
  • Pemilik 0x7640...0d7c


The Etherland platform is a combination of interoperable technologies connecting the digital data of internet users with our physical world.

Etherland is hosting the real-estates’ content information on IPFS. As the storage is decentralized on IPFS, it ensures that the uploaded information will remain accessible at any time by anyone for an almost infinite period of time.

As IPFS takes care of the information’s persistence and redundancy, the Etherland Blockchain acts as the stamp that ties the owner to his property’s information while providing a full history of the information’s updates and ownership changes.

  • Nama Dunia VirtualEtherland
  • Blockchain Ethereum

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